Tonarová et al., 2021

Author(s):Tonarová, P., Vodrážková, S., Pavel Čáp, Hints, O., Nõlvak, J., Kubajko, M.
Title:Discovery of rich Katian-Hirnantian jawed polychaete fauna from the Prague Basin, Czech Republic
Journal:Journal de l’Association Paléontologique Française
Number:Numéro Spé
Book:Lille 2021: Ordovician of the World. Programme with abstracts
Publisher:Lille University
Keywords:Bohemia, chitinozoans, Hirnantian, Katian, Microfossils, Ordovician, Organic-walled microfossils, paleontoloogia, Perunica, Prague basin, scolecodonts
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